Sunday, 25 September 2016

A good bit done (flywheel and engine mounts)

With a bit of prior planning I managed to achieve all I wanted to today. I need to get a mobile welder to come and put in some plates to mount the Zetec engine mounts and then I'll have no other outside dependancies to worry about with getting on with stuff.

The flywheel replcement and swap was easy and I was expecting it to be a nightmare, so score 1 to Hammy!

After that I was able to offer the engine up to the type 9 and mark out where the plates need to go. Raw did send me a piccy but its worth checking your own car, especially as mine was a built and IVA'd car.

At first it was a little confusing as the Striker has an offset engine position to assist with space and weight distribution. In the end it all worked out fine. I made some cardboard templates for the fabricator to work from when he comes.

Then I gave the engine a second clean and a few coats of black to tidy it up a bit before the new sump and other shiny bits arrive... I have to say Im looking forward to the welding being done so that I can finish the engine bay off in black. I really cant stand the red as is.

So now we have one clean shiny engine which will make working with it so much easier and enjoyable. Oh and it looks cool too! 

Ive been stockpiling stuff and I have these indicators to replace the ones that were on the cycle wings. I sized and found a decent mounting location that wont need any new/additional brackets.

                                                   Much better than on the wings I think.

Lastly I got the standard inlet manifold prepped to take the GBS plenum. I've got it to the stage where it needs final flatting and true-ing out flat. You need to take the full standard plenum and cut off the ports, then flat them back as true as you can to create a flat surface and modified manifold for the GBS plenum.

It feels really good to see the Zetec in the engine bay and spurs me on. Can't wait to get the welding done now.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Engine ancil strip

Managed to strip and partially clean the Zetec this weekend (3 hours) and looking forward to getting it all properly cleaned up soon......

There is an amazing amount of metal work to strip off.... Think power steering, AC, etc etc 

Running out of space now in the workshop so I need to get things sorted...

Bought a load of Gunk and brushes, will get this looking like new soon. Also I have sent the ERA sump back as it doesnt have baffles. Fine if you never EVER want to take it on a track but I may. Raceline/Dunnell or Scholar will be ordered this week.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Zetec removal

So I got some spare time this weekend and cracked on with the extraction of the engine from the Mondeo. As the car is being scrapped I took a 9inch grinder to remove the front of the car to enable me to pull the engine and box out in one go. Also had to cut the driveshafts too. Top tip for anyone doing it this way, while the car still drives get it up on ramps and remove the engine mount that's located under the car.....

                               I will be using the loom so I labelled it up where possible

So thats it out now and ready to have the unnecessary bits stripped and then give it a good clean up. Hopefully I'll be able to measure up and get the plates welded in for the new engine mount locations.